Essay Topics
Opinion Essay Topics
- What the job of the president should be
- The benefits of learning history in schools
- The downsides to learning history in schools
- Industries need to be more environmentally conscious
- Desertification is not as serious as we make it seem
- Mobile networks affect ecosystems
- Television shows are bad for children
- Friends are the most reliable support systems
- The family is the most important part of any society
- Social media help us reach people better
- Social media restricts us from reaching people
- Experience is the best teacher
- Schools should teach children to defend themselves against bullying
- Self defense classes should be compulsory in schools
- The positive effects of smartphones on middle school students
- The negative effects of smartphones on middle school students
- Punishments should be banned in schools
- Stricter discipline measures should be taken in schools
- Home-schooling is better than attending public schools
- Attending a public school is better than being home schooled
- The positive effects of video games on middle school students
- The negative effects of video games on middle school students
- Zodiac signs affect human behaviour
- Zodiac signs have no effects on human behaviour
- Paperback books are better than audiobooks
- Reading helps build grammar
- The right kind of diet for middle school students
- Television helps children build negative characters
- The media is controlled by the government
- Family is being neglected in the United States
- Should minors be allowed to have jobs?
- The media restricts the right to freedom of speech
- Should animals be used as test subjects?
- Is the government hiding news on alien existence?
- Is cross-breeding animals ethical?
- Most history subjects are unnecessary for modern school
- Is the government encouraging conspiracy theories?
- Children should be allowed to vote
- Parents should give their children more freedom
- Children know what’s best for them, not their parents
- Beauty pageants create unrealistic beauty standards
- Social media does more harm than good
- Schools should have play time for middle schoolers
- Teachers should patrol the cafeteria at lunch to curb bullying
- Students should be taught good communication skills in school
- Etiquette is a more relevant subject than history
- Does life exist on other planets?
- Online classes are better than physical classes
- Physical classes are better than online classes
- The advantages of driving an electric car
- The effects of hard drugs on children
- Children from broken homes have it worse
- Young people and phone addictions
- Informal education is better than formal education
- Formal education is better than informal education
- Should schools teach religion?
- Should children be betrothed?
- Should students be made to read more?
- Have indigenous people been wrongfully oppressed?
- Are trends harmful to young people?
- Is it cruel to chip animals?
- Should capital punishment be outlawed?
- Are all cops corrupt?
- Should middle schoolers be in relationships?
- Does a breakup affect academic performance?
- Should there be a different grading system?
- Good values should be taught is in schools
- Those smoking on school grounds should be strictly punished
- Young people should be allowed to go to parties
- Young people should not be allowed to go to parties
- Middle schoolers should always have chaperones
- Men are paid more than women
- Women are paid more than men
- Should individuals and private establishments own media outlets?
- Should the government control the media?
- Should middle schoolers have curfews?
- Middle schoolers should be given days off from school
- Special needs children are being neglected
- What is the best form of economy?
- All schools should have counsellors
- All teachers should undergo mental health tests
- All students should take mental health tests
- Talented individuals should be encouraged
- is it wrong to own a gun?
- The internet is doing more harm than good
- Is it possible to be fair?
- Does good always win?
- How has history repeated itself?
- Do parents have favourite children?
- Boys and girls should be treated equally
- Are fantasy books ruining children?
- Should schools give more homework?
- Are teachers paid enough?
- Are teachers respected enough?
- Should everybody own a bike?
- Is cafeteria food healthy?
- Children should read age-appropriate books
- Is education important?
- How can a person overcome fear?
- Describe a piece of art (book, painting, poem) that changed your life.
- Should students evaluate their teachers?
- Do standardized tests really reveal student knowledge?
- Should there be extra incentives for good grades at school?
- Should Gym classes be obligatory?
- Should we make our school calendar longer?
- Can a class size influence student performance?
- Should schools punish inappropriate student behavior?
- Is there a connection between real-life violence and video games?
- Should illegal immigrants’ children get an education?
- Is there a way to deal with bullies in schools?
- How reality TV is enforcing dangerous stereotypes
- Is pop culture encouraging students not to pursue education?
- White lies: what are they and should we really believe them to be innocent?
- Should violent video games be sold to minors?
- Using cell phones for education: the pros and cons
- Should we conceal our real identities on the web?
- Technology: distraction or a bonus?
- Educational apps: how helpful are they?
- Should everyone go for a college education?
- The role of affirmative action in the modern world
- College admission criteria: is there anything else apart from SAT?
- The skinny model stereotype and its pressure on average girls
- Do we really have equal rights for men and women?
- Why so few girls pursue careers in exact sciences?
- Should sports bets be legalized?
- Can cheerleading be considered a sport?
- Should colleges pay their baseball players?
- The debate of the naming rights
- How should we treat juvenile offenders?
- Pros and cons of death penalty
- Leadership and the moral obligations that come with it
- A cure against mass shootings
- Should we change our gun control policy?
- Is there too much digital censorship these days?
- Should rich people pay higher taxes?
- Government and the confidence we place in it
- Privacy Vs. Security: which one comes first?
- Should students be able to pick their teachers?
- Is it reasonable to lower the voting age?
- How important is fashion?
- The appropriate dating age
- Can older generation learn from the new one?
- The pros and cons of allowing cell phones in schools
- Should illegal immigrants be granted same rights as citizens?
- Airport security: do we really need that many screenings?
- Should we allow birth control for minors?
- Should schools separate gym grades from the grade list?
- Free wi-fi in the cities: pros and cons
- How often should teachers pass qualification tests?
- Universal wealthy: how reasonable it is in the US realia?
- Animal product testing: ethical vs. practical
- Civil unions: should the government recognize them?
- Is it reasonable to keep suspected terrorists under custody?
- Should students be allowed to bring their music players to school?
- Can we charge plus size citizens double ticket fair?
- Corporate lobbyists and political campaigns: is their support legal?
- Should school dedicate more attention to world religions?
- Introducing obligatory community service in schools
- Is it safe to keep exotic pets?
- Cellphones in the classroom: should the teachers have them?
- Violent crimes and minors: should the government treat them as adults?
- Should the government control and restrict certain content on the Internet?
- Can digital devices replace traditional textbooks?
- Is it reasonable to test professional sportsmen for drugs?
- Should corporate advertising be allowed in schools?
- Can students and over be friends on social media?
- How ethical it is to use stem cells from aborted children for the research?
- Is it necessary for high school sportsmen to take drug tests?
- Should schools increase their budgets by selling food and drinks to students?
- Is it ethical to advertise alcohol on TV?
- Should foreign goods be taxed higher than internal products?
- Free public transport rides for seniors: do we need them?
- Should we introduce government censorship on certain online content?
- Should we lower the minimal working age to 14 years old?
- The pros and cons of wearing uniforms in schools
- Should we allow getting a driving permit starting the age of 21?
- Should schools introduce fast food in their menus?