GSE Teaching Grammar
This course will utilize Edmodo ( for collecting assignments. You will need to create a student account on Edmodo and input the class code below to join our online class.
Edmodo Group Code: 5zfrm7 |
Weekly Files
Note: No class on Thursday 21 April!!
There is no class for children's day. Instead there will be a reading homework (look in the column on the right)
Creative Grammar Student Activities & Materials:
Here is the Word Pie vocabulary rap from 고은주.
I think this would be good for middle/high school students to learn vocabulary in a fun way.
Reading homework
Task for Week 5 (March 31):
Create a form-focused grammar activity for beginner learners. The activity can be in the form of a worksheet, word cards, sentence strips, board game, etc. Be ready to share your activity next week and explain it. If needed, bring enough copies of the activity for a several people to try it. There is a reading text below for reference (it includes lots of good ideas). You do not need to submit a summary or reflection paper.
Task for Week 6 (April 7):
Create a form-focused grammar activity for intermediate learners. See the homework task file and the reading reference file below.
Homework due Thursday 28 April
Choose 2 activities with different grammar points that you are interested in teaching from 'Teaching Grammar Creatively' (files below). Next class, be prepared to briefly explain and summarize the 2 activities you have chosen in small groups.
Homework due Thursday 5 May - Reading + Reflection paper
Note: This homework is because we don't have class on children's day. Download and read the file below (Chapter 10 on the subject of feedback, in From Grammar to Grammaring by Diane Larsen-Freeman). This chapter includes information on criticism of error correction and effective feedback. Write a one-page A4 reflection in your own words on how and why you will or won't give feedback on student grammar errors. You can include information on your experiences as a teacher and learner or comments on how this will affect your future teaching. Submit your reflection paper on feedback on Edmodo.
Homework due Thursday 12 May - Creative Grammar Materials
Individually, choose one of the Creative Grammar activities that you discussed in Week 9 that you want to develop into an activity + materials. You can adapt the activity as needed. Create the digital files necessary to teach this activity, for example PDF, PPT, worksheet, flashcards, etc. Make some effort so that the digital files are attractive and presentable. If a lot of files are not necessary, then create at least one presentation slide that explains the activity and includes the instructions. Submit these files on Edmodo, in a zip file if necessary. Name the files with the grammar point first, and your name second. For example: present_perfect_edward_povey.pdf These files will be shared on my website with your classmates. Please consider that other people will use your activity in the future so make it understandable and attractive. Creative Grammar Activity Presentations
For the last few weeks of the course you will present, explain, and possibly demonstrate your creative grammar activities. The presentations are not exactly teaching demonstrations or micro-teaching. You do not need to teach the whole activity exactly like you are in a real English class (although you can do this if you choose to). You will present the activity and explain it to the class. If you want to demonstrate some parts (or even all!) of your activity with the class acting as students then that is also fine. Sometimes demonstrating is easier and clearer than explaining. The reason for the presentations is to share your materials and get feedback and suggestions from the class. The actual quality of the presentation is not the main focus, it's the sharing of activities, ideas and feedback that is the focus. You can also talk about theories and concepts related to your plan, or the rationale behind each step, if you think it is relevant. You can use the projector to show your materials, or you can print and show your materials. You can create a PPT to explain your materials/activity if you like, or you can make copies of materials to pass around the class. There isn't a strict time limit for these presentations, but I expect that the presentation, discussion, and feedback might take about 10-15 minutes each. If it is more or less that is also fine, but please don't rush through everything! Explain well and demonstrate if you think there isn't a lot to explain. |