GSE English Grammar Fall 2022
Weekly files
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Homework assignments
Reading homework - due week 3 (September 15)
Read the chapter below and make a new post on the e-class discussion board. You can find the discussion questions on e-class.
Reading homework - due week 4 (September 22)
See the first page and HUFS e-class.
Video + reading homework for week 5.
See 2 below. *Note: No discussion board homework for this week. Video homework - due week 5 (September 29) Watch the below video before class. We will do a class activity related to the content. Reading homework - due week 5 (September 29)
MUF Framework How would you teach each aspect of language? Write a few sentences for each with ideas about how you would teach/practice each part of M-U-F. 1.How would you teach the meaning of new language? 2.How would you show the context of use and how would you practice language use with your students? 3.How would you show or demonstrate form? How would you check, or what kind of activities can you do to focus on form? Bring your answers for *class discussion*. There is no discussion board assignment for this week.
Reading homework - due week 6 (October 6)
Read the file below. Prepare your answers to share in class.
Homework for week 7 - October 13
Prepare a grammar activity
Week 9 Homework - October 27
1. Read the introduction for “Teaching Grammar Creatively” available below and complete the questions on the cover sheet. 2. Take a look at the whole book file below. Each unit (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 …) has a different grammar point. Choose 1-2 units from any chapter that you may like to prepare a lesson for. In class, we will confirm who is going to do each unit and start preparing for the final lesson plans.
Week 10 Homework - November 3
Read your chosen Creative Grammar unit carefully (from the book above). This will be the unit for your final lesson plan. Consider the changes you want to make. Be prepared to discuss in class. You may…
Homework for Week 11 (November 10)
Bring your first draft of your lesson plan. Copy the general design of the units in the Teaching Grammar Creatively book. This means a basic outline of the key parts of the lesson + some examples of materials you may need for the lesson. You can copy sections of the lesson plan and then add/adapt/modify parts. The materials don’t need to be 100% complete, but enough to show and explain. Materials can be found online or created. Tip: Think critically about the lesson. Add examples, materials and context to make it better and more fun for Korean students. Week 11: Lesson planning workshop We will do feedback sessions during class. Deadline in 2 weeks (November 17) Schedule November 10 - lesson plan first draft November 17- lesson plan deadline + make a schedule November 24 - final lesson presentations December 1 - final lesson presentations December 8 - final lesson presentations December 15 (extra week if needed) Lesson Presentation information Due to class size + time, we will do lesson plan presentations. This means you will show and explain your lesson plan, the materials, steps, purpose of each step and reasoning for the lesson. Explain each step in detail with example materials, questions, etc. Time: Around 10-15 minutes each. You can create a PPT especially for the presentation (for explaining the lesson), or you can just use the PPT for the actual lesson (that would be used with students). There is enough time for the class to do 1-2 of the activities in your lesson. Choose 1-2 steps to do with the class, for example discussion questions, a game, form activity, or any steps that you think are best shown instead of only explained. This will help us to understand how some of the activities work in practice.