GSE English Grammar (Fall 2023)
Weekly files
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
** No class for Chuseok - September 28
Week 5 (actually week 4)
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11 - Lesson Plan workshop
Discussion and feedback about your lesson plan draft. Week 12 - Lesson Plan deadline Final deadline + feedback. We will also make schedules for micro-teaching. Week 13 - About micro-teaching This class will be about micro-teaching and basic teaching skills. Week 14-15 - Final micro-teaching You will teach your lesson plans to the class. Approx. 15 minutes each. See examples of micro-teaching here:
Homework assignments
Reading assignment - due week 3 (September 21)
Read chapter 1 of From Grammar to Grammaring by Larsen-Freeman. After reading, make a new post on the e-class discussion board. General questions to consider:
Reading assignment - due week 4 (October 5)
See task on the first page of the reading.
Assignment - due October 12
Video for October 12: Reading - See task on the e-class.
Reading assignment - due week 7 (October 19)
Read Week 6 text on my website. Complete the tasks below. Tasks
Homework practice task for Week 8 (October 26)
Prepare a grammar activity Bring a grammar activity to demonstrate in small groups, and maybe with the class. The grammar activity can be to practice use (communication) or to focus on form. Choose a grammar point and create the activity + materials to match the grammar point. The activity can be for any age group. The materials can be: PPT (on laptop or tablet), audio, video, word cards, worksheet, board game, etc. Note: This is not whole lesson, just one activity. Introduction to final assignment
Teaching Grammar Creatively by Günter Gerngross, Herbert Puchta, Scott Thornbury This is an activity resource book featuring a lot of great grammar lesson ideas. Using a unit from this book, you will prepare and present a grammar lesson (PPT + materials). Each of you will have a different unit. Each unit is a different grammar point and has several lessons. You can follow the lesson, combine parts of different lessons, or adapt/supplement with your own ideas. Week 9 Homework Task: 1. Read the Introduction for “Teaching Grammar Creatively” available on below (file 1) and complete the questions on the cover sheet. 2. Take a look at the full book below (file 2). Each unit (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 …) has a different grammar point. Choose 1-2 units from any chapter that you may like to prepare a lesson for.
Week 10 homework (November 9)
In Week 9 you chose a unit from the Creative Grammar book. Read your chosen Creative Grammar unit carefully. This will be the unit for your final lesson plan. Consider the changes you want to make.Be prepared to discuss. You may…
Homework for Week 11
Bring your first draft of your lesson plan. “First draft” means a basic outline of the key parts of the lesson + some examples of materials you may need for the lesson. Copy the general design of the units in the Teaching Grammar Creatively book. You can copy sections of the lesson plan and then add/adapt/modify parts. The materials don’t need to be 100% complete, but enough to show and explain. Materials can be found online or created. Tip: Think critically about the lesson. Add examples, materials and context to make it better and more fun for Korean students. Week 11: Lesson planning workshop We will do feedback sessions during class. Lesson plan deadline: November 23 Lesson Plan Deadline - Week 12 (November 23)
Prepare your lesson plan and materials to submit on November 23. Print the plan and materials if possible ready for submission. In Week 12, we will make the final teaching schedule and I will give final feedback on your lesson plans.
Teaching demonstrations information