GSE Teaching English Grammar
Weekly files
Homework files
This file is reference for week 2. It is not required reading homework.
Reading homework due Week 3:
Reading homework due Week 4 (March 29):
Reading homework due Week 6 (April 12):
Reading homework due Week 8 (April 26).
Homework is to prepare and bring an advanced grammar activity.
Micro-teaching schedule:
In the week of your micro-teaching, you will teach a short part of a lesson focusing on a grammar point.
Reading homework due Week 11 (Thursday 17 May)
You will be assigned in class one of the following texts to summarize. Your summary should be short and only cover the key points of the reading. You don't need to summarize every example lesson/activity, but I suggest you explain at least one to your group members. (The summary is not for submission, it is for your group members)