GSE Teaching English Speaking
Final assignments: GSE Teaching English Speaking final assignments
Weekly files
Week 1
Here is the Week 1 presentation file from the online video.
Week 2 presentation files
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
*Note: The name of the course has changed but the content is the same.
Week 1 reading and reflection paper assignment:
See the "Assignments" and "Discussion Board" sections on the HUFS e-class. Submit a reflection paper at the Assignments page and copy one of your reflections to the discussion board. Reading file:
Week 2
Here are the week 2 reading files. The second file has the resource materials that are discussed in the chapter. See the questions on the discussion board.
Week 3
From this week I would like to simplify the homework to make it easier to follow. The homework is to write 3 paragraphs on the HUFS e-class.
Week 4 reading - due week 5 Thursday 16 April
Week 5 reading homework - due week 6 Thursday 24 April
See discussion board for reading assignment
Week 8 reading - due Thursday 14 May
I have included the original coversheet for this reading that I use with the offline class. Choose two sections from the reading and write about them on the discussion board.