GSE Teaching Grammar (F24)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 6
Week 7
Week 9
Week 10
** note: Lesson plan deadline for first draft is November 28
Week 12
We will do a lesson plan workshop and feedback session this week. ![]()
Schedule (tentative)
November 14 - lesson plan first draft November 21- lesson plan feedback November 28 - lesson plan deadline + make a schedule December 5 - grammar lesson micro teaching December 12 - grammar lesson micro teaching December 19 (extra week if needed) Teaching demonstrations information
Homework Assignments
Due Week 3 (September 19)
Read the chapter below and write on the e-class discussion board. ![]()
Due Week 4 (September 26)
Read the chapter below and write on the e-class discussion board. ![]()
Due Week 5 (October 10)
1. Watch this video. There will be a review about these concepts in class. 2. Homework Task: Read "Chapter 4: The Three Dimensions” The reading is about the M-U-F framework. All language has meaning, use and form. How would you teach each aspect of language? Write a few sentences for each with ideas about how you would teach/practice each part of M-U-F.
Due Week 7 (October 17)
Both of these are related to the reading for next week. File below.
Homework for week 8 (October 24)
Prepare and bring a grammar activity to demonstrate with the class. The grammar activity can be to practice use (communication) or to focus on form. Choose a grammar point and create the activity + materials to match the grammar point. The activity can be for any age group. The materials can be: PPT (on laptop or tablet), audio, video, word cards, worksheet, board game, etc. Note: This is not whole lesson, just one activity. Due Week 10 (November 7)
The reading below is an introduction to "Teaching Grammar Creatively" Read the file and complete the questions and blanks on the cover sheet. ![]()
Due Week 11 (November 14)
Choose a unit and grammar point you want to develop a lesson plan for. Read your chosen Creative Grammar unit carefully. This will be the unit for your final lesson plan. Consider the changes you want to make. Be prepared to discuss in Week 11. You may…
Homework for Week 13 (November 28)
Bring your draft of your lesson plan. Copy the general design of the units in the Teaching Grammar Creatively book. You can copy sections of the lesson plan and then add/adapt/modify parts. You may…
Tip: Think critically about the lesson. Add examples, materials and context to make it better and more fun for Korean students. We will do feedback sessions during class. |