GSE English Grammar (Spring 2021)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 6
Week 8
Grammar activity book
Homework & Assignments
Week 2
This is for reference. You can read it before or after week 2. The task related to this reading will be done during class time.
Week 3
Choose 3 sections to discuss. Choose one of the arguments FOR teaching grammar and one of the arguments AGAINST teaching grammar. Think about why you agree or disagree with it, including your opinions and experiences. Choose one other section (any part) of the reading to discuss in groups. Be prepared to discuss the sections that you choose in groups. Explain what it is, what it means, your opinions and experiences about this, and how it might influence your future teaching. We will discuss this in week 3.
Week 4 reading homework - due March 25.
Read “due Wk4 What is Grammar - part 2” below. Choose two parts of the reading to discuss next week. Be ready to explain what it is, what it means, your opinions and experiences about this, and how it might influence your future teaching.
Week 5 reading homework - due April 1
Choose one section to discuss in groups.
Week 5 Micro-teaching
Micro-teaching schedule:
Week 6 reading homework - due April 8
Choose two sections and explain your reflections, including your opinions and experiences. This is for the e-class discussion board. Make a post of the e-class discussion board and include your two paragraphs of answers there.
Week 7 reference reading - Intermediate
Week 8 reference reading - Advanced learners
Look at the reading file below. See the example grammar units and the example activities. Start developing an idea for a lesson based on these ideas (not a completed lesson- you only need to prepare ideas and suggest activities). Be prepared to discuss your ideas in week 8.
Week 9 reading - due May 6
Choose one of the readings below and one of the sample lesson plans in the reading. Become familiar with the sample lesson explained in the reading and be prepared to share information about it next week.
Final Grammar Lesson Plan + Microteaching
Prepare one more grammar lesson for any age/level of students. This is for further practice and to act upon the feedback you received in the previous practice microteaching. The lesson should have a different grammar point to your previous lesson. Schedule:
May 27 - Jiwon, Sooyeon June 3 - Soojin, Kyungwon, Yeram, Minkyung *NO CLASS ON JUNE 10* June 17 - Chaehyeon, Cheongyoon