GS TESOL Teaching Listening & Speaking to Young Learners
Weekly files
Homework files
Homework for Week 3 (March 20):
Homework for Week 4 (March 27):
Homework for Week 5 (April 3):
Due Week 5
Read the Week 5 text above that includes a lot of ideas about teaching listening and speaking. After reading, go to and take a look at the resources for young learners. In week 5, bring one of the printed resources from to share/demonstrate in small groups how you could use it for a listening or listening/speaking activity with YLs. Reading homework for Week 6 (April 10):
Reference reading for Week 7:
Reference reading for Week 8
Task: Print, read, and highlight sections to discuss in class
Final lesson plan presentationsYou will create a lesson plan and materials for a listening lesson (PDP) or speaking lesson (EIF). You will present your lesson plans at the end of the course (not a teaching demonstration).
The materials are for my reference and do not need to be properly finished, laminated, etc. If you make a PPT please include the printed slides. Schedule: Week 11 - Tuesday 15 May - bring your printed lesson plan & materials. Week 12 - Tuesday 22 May - no class, I will email feedback. Week 13~15 Lesson plan presentations - show and explain your lesson plans. 10-15 minutes each. Writing Aims / Objectives Speaking: "By the end of the lesson, students will be able to [ask and answers, use, speak, describe, order...] using "...[target language examples]..." by ... explain fluency communicative task [information gap, presentation, guessing game, survey, etc.] Listening: "By the end of the lesson, students will be able to show comprehension of "...[name of listening material]..." by ... explain comprehension task (end of During stage - see Bloom's Taxonomy for ideas) Remember: The aim of a speaking lesson is speaking (Fluency stage) The aim of a listening lesson is comprehension (end of During stage) --- Files
Blank activity route map. This can be used for either listening or speaking. Delete the titles no needed.
Check lists for checking the content of your lesson plan:
Student examples:
Target language example worksheet: