TESOL Videos
These videos are about TESOL teaching concepts, techniques, and materials.
Approaches, methods and techniques for teaching young learners
Planning your first lesson
12 Considerations for teaching young learners
Icebreakers for young learners
Modeling and scaffolding in language teaching
Tips for starting a lesson
Giving instructions
Analyzing an experienced teacher
Activity Route Map
TPR - Total Physical Response
Example lesson: Strange animals (vocabulary teaching)
EIF framework for teaching speaking
Example lesson following EIF framework (speaking): Describing monsters
Information gap activities
Language functions
PDF framework for teaching listening/reading
Example listening/storytelling lesson following PDP framework:
Brown Bear |
Extensive Listening
Reading and listening strategies
Top down vs. bottom up processing for receptive skills teaching
M-U-F framework for vocabulary and grammar teaching
Checking questions with grammar
Inductive vs. deductive teaching approaches for grammar teaching
Prescriptive vs. descriptive viewpoints of grammar
Example lesson: Rule discovery (grammar teaching)
Example lesson: Meaning Use Form - Passive voice (grammar)
Example lesson: Used to (grammar)
Example lesson: Modals (grammar)
Example lesson: Frequency adverbs (grammar)
Example lesson: Comparative + superlative (grammar)
Example lesson: Adjective order (grammar)
Improved grammar lessons - Past Perfect
Three approaches for teaching reading to young learners
Ideas for using smartphones in young learner education
Bloom's Taxonomy
Formative and summative assessment
TESOL Resources: Authentic materials
TESOL Resources: Flashcards
TESOL Resources: Make Beliefs Comix
TESOL Resources: Lyrics Training
TESOL Resources: EngVid
TESOL Resources: iSL Collective + Busyteacher
TESOL Resources: Breaking News English
TESOL Resources: Online puzzle worksheet makers
TESOL Resources: Chrome extensions
TESOL Resources: Realia
Storytelling video recorded live in front of an audience during our KOTESOL 2016 presentation.
Recording videos for your students is easy. Why don't you try creating videos and giving video homework! "Expanding your library: Generating digital content for young learners" - Edward Povey & Gavin Farrell |
In this video, I describe some useful contrasting concepts related to TESOL: - declarative vs. procedural knowledge - explicit vs. implicit learning - deductive vs. inductive teaching - controlled vs. free practice - accuracy vs. fluency ![]()
This video outlines student learning objectives and how to write learning objective statements for your lessons. Lots of examples are included! ![]()
A short introduction to multiple intelligences with lots of example activities and a discussion of how they relate to MI theory. Multiple Intelligences are great for lesson planning and giving you ideas for variety in your activities. ![]()
KEEP CALM AND USE THE TARGET LANGUAGE! This video is a basic introduction to target language, including some tips for selecting and lesson planning. ![]()
This is my son singing and dancing to songs he has learned in English class. An interesting thing about this is that I accessed the videos by using QR codes on his song book. What a great way of sharing links with parents! |
Another video of my son singing to songs from his English class. |
In this video I introduce Starfall, a free website with online animated reading materials for young learners from ABCs to phonics to short stories. Check it out! www.starfall.com |
In this video I introduce www.kizclub.com, which is a really nice materials resource site for young learners. It has lots of variety from phonics and sight words to flashcards and craft ideas. Check it out! www.kizclub.com |
In this video I introduce ESL-Kids, a great website that has flashcards and worksheets for young learners. This website is really useful because it has loads of common topics and it creates materials for the vocabulary you choose. Check it out! www.esl-kids.com |
Here's my son reading hangul at 3 years old. I'm quite sure he's using the whole language approach (sight words) for reading, because he hasn't learned the individual characters yet. |
This is a great app for literacy called Endless Reader available for iOS and Android. There's a whole series of reading and number apps by the same developer. The basic app is free with in-app purchases to get the extra content. The quality and animations are excellent and it really helped my son with letter recognition and phonemic awareness. |
This video is an example of how you can use short videos to communicate and provide homework for young learners outside of the classroom. In this video I demonstrate some actions from Jolly Phonics, which is a kind of kinesthetic learning system for phonics. The idea for this video is that students and parents watch at home to practice the actions. This system would be easy to set up with your smartphone and a sharing app like Kakaotalk. |
Here is an example lesson following the PDP framework using an interview clip as listening material.